“A Dream Within a Dream” - Feat. Anne Spalter and More Using Playform No-Code AI

“A Dream Within a Dream" is a group exhibition featuring a curated selection of works by six Playform Studio artists: Anne Spalter, Carla Gannis, Patrick Lichty, Qinza Najm, Tesla Mir, and Travis LeRoy Southworth.

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In March, Playform experienced an influx of artists looking for ways to channel their creativity and make up for the near-global cancellation of art fairs and exhibitions, which widely led to a loss of income. In response, Playform collaborated with a core group of artists, providing them with technical support to develop new works while in isolation. This exhibition, “A Dream Within a Dream,” is the resulting product of these collaborations. The exhibit was curated by art advisor Jessica Davidson, a veteran of the New York contemporary art world and a champion for artists engaging with new technologies.

“This exhibition demonstrates the resilience of human creativity,” said curator Jessica Davidson. “It’s a representation of the past six months of isolation, in which this group of experimental artists collaborated with and through machines to consider what is truly human.”


Artist Spotlight: Anne Spalter