Integrate your Hugging Face Space to Playform

Put your HF Space infant of thousands of artists and creative users and experiment with monetizing your tech

How this will work:

Simply you will add a function wrapper to your space. The HF space will be embedded in Playform and will be available to Playform users as an App. The space will be running on HF as usual, but users will interact with it in Playform. The app will capture what is being generated and integrate that to Playform user account. This allows users to use all the Playform infrastructure for post processing their images (enhance, upscale, bookmark, sell as NFT, and others.). This will also help users to save their results and organize them in projects. For HF space developer, this will be a way to put the space in front of actual artists and creative users and start experimenting with monetizing your space. Playform will be handling all the transactions and you will get paid monthly.

Participate in our beta test of Playform Hugging Face Space Integration today. Fill in this form to be added to the wait list.