Here’s What the People are Saying About Playform, a No-Code AI for Artists

Art created by: Sturec

Art created by: Sturec

May 20, 2021

Things haven’t been easy.

COVID-19 has hit the world in unexpected ways. Never did we think that for the past two years we would be within our homes and avoiding a virus that has affected the lives of so many individuals. We have taken the last two years and learned how to adjust to the circumstances and physical limitations we were given. Through our adjustment period, we experienced a sense of isolation and loneliness. This stands true for the art community as well. Museums were closed. Galleries were halted. Artists continue to create but without their peers and live audience. However, due to the aforementioned ability to adapt, a new technological era emerged. We had lent our phones and time to a digital age where people used social media to market themselves and what they have created throughout quarantine. Through the use of the program, Playform artists have been able to find that sense of community that they have been missing during the pandemic. Artists continue to share their work and communicate with one another, offering advice and encouragement.

Through the use of Playform: artists have been able to learn about AI, evolve with the technology, and enjoy the community created.

We at Playform, are so thankful for the kind words of encouragement by our users and community members. It’s because of people like you, that we continue to build our family and continue to better our platform. If you’ve yet to try Playform out, here are what some users are saying.

Be a Part of the Conversation

Be sure to follow our social media channels to share your art pieces, stories, and experience using our platform. We can’t wait to hear from you.

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